Don’t pay more taxes than you have to! We understand the confusion and anxiety caused by taxes. We provide a hands-on approach to assist our clients with their tax planning and preparation needs.
Although we are not financial advisors, we do help our clients see the “big picture” when discussing their financial goals. We will offer tax advice to help our clients move toward their goals and we will help direct them to advisors who have the same values that we have.
We will help you navigate through QuickBooks! We offer various services to help our clients set up and use QuickBooks.
113 S Market Street #101 Elizabethtown, PA 17022
Jessica L. Wenger, CPA
Cynthia D. Baugher, CPA
717-367-8037 phone
4 Sadsbury Avenue
Christiana, PA 17509
Chad L. Wenger, CPA
Theresa J. Foltz, CPA
610-593-6470 phone
717-786-6935 phone
610-593-2954 fax